by hd connelly.
the picture which accompanied my poems on vlq. i think it's nice. no?
incidentally, tis the very first time i put up pics, because, i dun know how to before ma. aiyoh so malu.
have been wanting to clarify the acornyms and abbreviations that i use on me friends in this blog, but u know the drill, too lazy, why bother blah blah blah. anyway, nursing major headache right now so i think i do something constructive:
in random order:
real name: cyril wong yit mun.
occupation: premier love poet of singapore, queen of perumal rd
alliances: me sec classmate
power: bitchy-est, numero uno, mouth in the east of singapore, god bless ur lifeless carcass should u be the target of his highly mobile lips. has tongue that can suddenly erupt from depth of mouth to give major lashing.
notice when viewing: it is recommended that one stay at least outside of the distance that his tongue can be extended. (i.e 6 metres) however, do note that cy has been known to jump unsuspecting victims when the mood takes him.
real name: damien chew
occupation: lao-si, si-fu, tea-cher
alliance: cafe buddy, fellow "singapore-sucks" dreamer
power: grouchy man of east singapore, face can blacken within seconds. after which flowers tend to wilt when he passes.
sub-power: emo-blackmailer, eh, becoz he know a lot of me secrets hee hee.
current applicant
real name: cannot say
occupation: something related to marketing
alliance: church, current interest (i think so)
power: abilities range; quicker than quicksand unpredictability, to is she leading me on, or am i thinking to much? to blocking my ability to feel and decide.
subnote: "i dun know, how?"
... to be continued.
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