Sunday, October 09, 2005


f- heavens, (blasphemy) me writings starting to sound like a ku-niang! (see fag-worthy poem below)

must be cy's fault. to counter, need presence of women (select)

pls apply if you fit the requirements:

1) cute as hell
2) shorter than me
3) cuter than hell when wearing glasses
4) very important: female (at birth and presently)

ladies, lari kuat kuat, it's for a good cause. :)



of losing time over-counting
whatever I spend on you.
It will never be enough
and I will always be in debt
to someone else, somewhere else.
I have the records, itemised.
Could you pay them back?
Will you promise?

I called you
till my voice gave up and ran away,
Called you with long wires and plastic cups,
redialed, no answer.
Lover, stone woman, bitch,
names have no ill-effect on you.
I already know your reply:
I'll call you back.
Which is when exactly?
that word has become a vowel to you.
Buy, buy, buy.


listening to: cy bitch on the mobile
reading: james haug's poems. excellent. veri good. my kind of fellow.


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