see see. (tilt eyes 180) can right? hey, am a software retard. the fact that i have changed my template is pretty damn nbccb good already u know.
oops, so much for be nice day.
anyway, vlq has updated their masthead, (<-- ) on their website (-->) i think it's nice. so go there already. oh, did i mention i've 3 poems on it? thats me ego talking.
nuff said.
oh, some changes to the prev. post poem, cosmetics mainly.
For the Woman Who Draws Wings
You at your table, surrounded by jars,
wrecking yourself over these wings, building
one transparent section at a time,
with a twig of a pen,
its end bladed so sharp,
your finger supplies the ink.
despite everything, your voodoo
will never carry these through to flight.
Body-less, they will never stand
against the wind.
They will spend their strength here, protesting
in weak flaps, grounded in plain paper.
Something within their skeletal
torment must give you pleasure.
listeningto: abba. yes seriously, abba. no really, abba.
reading: jim carroll, fear of dreaming. on a 1-10 for imagery, 11. on a 1-10 for readability, 5.
i lurve abba
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