Wednesday, November 09, 2005


i need it.

i can't keep up with work and it's scaring the shit outof me. i made a list yesterday on the outstanding work to be done. and i ended up with a freaking long list. i was daunted just by making the list. sigh. clearing it seems impossible. and the damn list isn't staying static!

to liana: *wave* have u found me yet?

princess is off galavanting in europe. :(

so this popped into me, a funny one for her highness:


Your home, the here, the now,
made me ambassador to you.
I've been sent bearing memories
pre-tainted with sugar,
the fabricated paperwork and
all the red tape we could find to keep you
"otherwise occupied"
Somehow, I keep doubting my re-election.


i will write more tonite. when i am stuck in the office clearing backlogs. woe is really me today.

listening to: my 2 ancient cuckoo clocks ticktocking out of tune. some funny superstition states that no 2 clocks in the house can show the exact same time.
re-reading: george mackay brown - ocean of time. another fav writer of me. member of dead white male club.


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