Wednesday, February 15, 2006



(edited 18/2/06 after some thought and beer and cigarettes and %&*ing my guys at freaking 1.30am this freaking morning, while nursing the %&*ing thought that we have a %&*ing roadshow setup at 1am 19/2/06. %&*s.)


I got jump-started.
You know the feeling. Waking,
choked from the only kind of sleep
you get on the long ride home.
The type that renders air-conditioning useless
because you wake drenched
regardless where you position the vent and
how empty the bus was.
The seat beside me was vacant,
still warm.
I swore I felt the full weight of
your head resting on my lap.
Heard you whisper softly
all the things I loved hearing
you utter,
over and over again.
I remembered running my fingers
through the entire length of your hair,
then pulling it so hard;
I actually made you cry.
I believe, that
was the exact moment
when I woke.


1 comment:

ericlow said...

but mr. sim, those are 2 different things. truly you may be a very nice person etc etc, but poetry should never have to depend on the force of its author's personality to carry it through. it must stand on its own.

i may be harsh, but you should have read alot more before deciding to print this.

have a good week too.