Monday, October 23, 2006

on bloom.

so i wasted the entire weekend reading essays. yes. the entire weekend. O_O am so fucking intellectual can.

anyhow, my fav ones are still those of harold bloom's. he's biased, boombastic, sarcastic, brilliant, an irrelevant dinosaur who never fails to excite. i dont always agree, but that, i think, is the point. you must make your own decisions on his opinions, but ah... the way he presents it; like he must be right because should he be wrong, the literary world will be a smaller sadder place to live in.

convincing in an evil sense. excellent.

though i cannot help but agree wholeheartedly, mind and with what little soul i possess, on this one. ;)

listening to: camera obscura - my sister's social agony
reading: thumboo on whose canon, what texts, which methods.


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