now that was nerdishly exciting because i have never been to the place. so i went to consult the tanjong pagar station map, worked out the exit alphabet and then got on my way.
i wasnt disappointed.
it was open, this quaint place, up a small flight of stairs, into the brightest of lofts, open and welcome. a white place led up to by a small contingent of plastic army men. walls ringed with books and books. the old cameras and typewriters set the mood. so cool.
the books didnt disappoint, i saw charles bukowski's "the Captain Is Out To Lunch and the Sailors Have Taken Over the Ship", bought czelaw milosz's "Second Space", and carver's "What We Talk About When We Talk About Love". milosz's ABC beckons... the poetry collection is acceptable, but has gaps. still many good books i would love to get me hands on.
it is a happy place. :)
go there, they close on sundays, open weekdays till sat, 11am-9pm 125A telok ayer street. i think from my conversation with the people there, one kenneth and karen, they seem to have a poetry reading every 2nd something of the month.
anyways, do go. very nice place.
after that on the way back to duxton road to meet the large band of alternative-ers i passed by


i remembered the last time i was there i was with b. the brain really f-s with you sometimes no?
other 1sts - 2 movies in a week, alone. both movies cannot make it. 1st milosz book, 1st time to bliss, 1st time to seriouslyseriously Indian pub (but was fun and friendly)
all in all a heady week.
listeningto: kansascali - if i...
reading: raymond carver - What We Talk About When We Talk About Love
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